Bake cupcakes. Let them cool and then frost. While they were cooling, we made the bunny ears. Take a large marshmallow and cut it in 1/2. This leaves you with 2 sticky sides that you dip into the pink sugar crystals. The shape they make when you cut them looks JUST like the inside of a rabbits ear!
Next, you stick a pretzel into the marshmallow so that you will have something to "attach" the ears with. I forgot to take a picture of this, so had to "remove" an ear from one of our bunnies for the next shot! It looks like one of my kids sucked on the pretzel, but I promise they did not (at least not that I saw!)!!!
Once you've frosted the cupcakes and made the ears, stick the ears into the cupcake. Add mini chocolate chips for eyes, an M&M for the nose, and 2 mini marshmallows for their cute little puffy cheeks! This is where you would sprinkle on the coconut if your kids will let you!
Are you even kidding?! Those are the cutest things ever! What a great mom you are.