Monday, February 21, 2011

Mt. Hope Sanctuary

There is a place in McPherson that I have wanted to share with you for so long...I just wasn't sure that I would find the right words.  It's called Mt. Hope Sanctuary.  Its concept and implementation is amazing.  Mt. Hope Sanctuary serves single women between the ages of 18-65 who are facing hopeless circumstances due to either generational or situational poverty as a result of many of the following reasons:  Abandonment or neglect, divorce, limited education or skills, history of addictions, loss of employment, or death of a spouse. I'm no longer worried about finding the right words, because THEIR words say it all...


Again, amazing.  If you feel called to help, please visit the donation page here.  You can become a volunteer, provide specific items needed, donate online, or simply pray for this organization, its leaders and residents.

Below, you will find the list of items currently needed at Mt. Hope Sanctuary.  If you're coming to Maple Memories, we would be happy to accept your generous gifts and deliver them to Mt. Hope on your behalf.

Current Household needs list:  
Fire Extinguishers (2) 5 lb ABC fire extinguishers  
Copy Paper
Package of ink pens (black or blue)
2 baby gates  
Small-medium plastic food storage containers  
Folding chairs (4-8)
Gas cards

Wal-Mart gift cards for various needs
Liquid soap refills 
Dryer sheets
Paper towels

Our mission is to provide a sanctuary (our transitional home)

                        that offers HOPE: (Healing, Opportunity, Peace & Empowerment)

                                        to single women (and their children)

                                                      who are committed to achieving self-sufficiency.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Super Bowl Water Bottles

Another quick and easy way to add a little something extra to your party.  I printed off logos from both teams and then the kids and I colored them.  I cut them out and then taped them on the bottle with a little double sided tape.  The I taped over the top of the logos with clear packing tape.  You could get fancier and wrap a ribbon or something around the bottle, but since it was FOOTBALL, I went with simple.  I think they turned out pretty "cute"!

Here is the Steeler's logo that I used.  I can't seem to find the site that I got the Packer's logo from, but I will keep looking!  You could decorate bottles for any theme/birthday party...the possibilities are endless!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Super Bowl Football Cake Pops

We had some friends over to watch the Super Bowl.  I decorated the table with Green Bay Packers on one side and Pittsburgh Steelers on the other.  We found food that was "ethnic" to each area that the teams were from.  The middle of the table was divided with this (the sign was painted by my 9 year old)...

I found the tutorial for the footballs here.  They were a bit time consuming to make, but yummy and super cute!!  My husband kept informing me that a Super Bowl party wasn't supposed to be "cute"!  What does he know!?  Anyway, they tasted like a Reese's Peanut Butter cup and when he tasted them, it was decided that we could do "cute"!!  HA!

More Super Bowl ideas tomorrow!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

More Snow

When life gives you snow...

make snowcones!